Tutorial: Ruffle Fantasy Flower Cake Pops

I love ruffles! Anything with ruffles! If I wasn’t married, lived in a bachelorette pad and had the money to decorate however I wanted, I would be surrounded in awesome girly-ness, including ruffles. I’d actually need multiple places or multiple rooms, because I would have a different theme in each. And one would be ruffles.

image of three Ruffle Fantasy Flower Cake Pops on white plate

Fortunately, I’ve managed to squeeze ruffles into a few places in our house without too much protesting from the hubs. For example, I have ruffle throw pillows mixed in with other pillows on our couch. Initially I got some protesting, but once he saw how good the looked, he totally caved. 🙂

So these cake pops are a fantasy of ruffles for me. And yet with the brown and ivory colors they have kind of a rustic feel, which is another theme I’d have in a room. I’m a fan of that too.

close up image of Easy Ruffle Fantasy Flower Cake Pop

So if you love ruffles like I do, here’s a little tutorial for you. They are really quite simple to make. And so ruffly!


Ivory fondant (or other color)
Wilton sugar pearls
Rolling pin
Ball tool
Foam pad
Egg foam pad (or something similar to help shape the flower)
Gum glue (mix of gumpaste and water)
Rolling board
Veining tool
Wilton tip 125 (Use the large round side as the medium size circle in the flower)
Small and medium circle cutters (from Wilton 3 pack)
image of supplies



image of fondant and circle cutters
1. Roll out your fondant pretty thin and cut out the three sizes of circles.


image of ruffling fondant
2. Place the first circle onto the foam mat and run the ball tool around the edge of the circle to thin it out and create a light ruffle.


image of ruffling fondant
3. Place the fondant circle into on the dips in the egg foam pad. Using your ball tool, lightly press down in the center of the circle. This creates a few more ruffles and gives the flower some shape so that it is not totally flat.


image of 3 ruffled fondant circles
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the other 2 circles.


adding beads to center of fondant circle
5. Add a little gum glue to the center of the smallest circle. Place 3-4 sugar pearls in the center where you put the gum glue. This will be the inner part of the flower. Leave the circles to dry for 5-10 minutes. You want them be firm enough to still be moveable, but not loose their shape and ruffles when you move them around.


layering ruffle fondant circles
6. Add a little gum glue to middle of the largest circle, then place the medium sized circle on top of it. Repeat with the smallest circle with the sugar pearls.


image of ruffled fondant flower
You now have a beautiful ruffle fantasy flower!


adding chocolate to fondant flower
To add it to a cake pop, put a little melted chocolate on the back and place it where you want it on the cake pop. Hold it in place for a minute until it dries enough that the flower will not fall off.


close up image of one Ruffle Fantasy Fondant Flower Cake Pop
Such a beautiful cake pop!


Thanks for reading!

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  1. Cheryl

    These look soo good almost to good to eat. Have you ever made the flowers in advance just to make it easier. Plus then you can use the flowers on cupcakes or other items.

    1. Lindsay

      I haven’t made these specifically, but others. You could certainly do that and store them in an air tight container.

  2. Katrina

    This is beautiful! Have you ever tried making them larger to decorate a cake? I bet that would look amazing too! Love this idea! Thanks! 🙂
    Love your blog too!

    1. lifeloveandsugar@gmail.com

      Definitely! The fondant will dry hard, so you can make them and save them until you need them.

  3. J.nelly

    These are so pretty Dub, I’d almost question eating them because they look so good. Then I’d get over that and eat them, but they really do look great!!!

About Lindsay

I'm a wife and a mom to twin boys and a baby girl! And I've got a serious sweets addiction! Bring on the treats!

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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29